Saturday, September 25, 2010

Invasion of the Asian Carp

     Silver carp have become notorious for being easily frightened by boats and personal watercraft, which causes them to leap high into the air. The fish can jump up to 8–10 feet into the air, and numerous boaters have been injured by collisions with the fish. According to the EPA, "reported injuries include cuts from fins, black eyes, broken bones, back injuries, concussions and death.". Silver carp can grow to 100 pounds in mass.
     They are known to be well-established in the Mississippi River basin (including tributaries) of the United States, where they at times reach extremely high abundances. These fish are considered to be highly detrimental to the environment in parts of the United States and hence, in July, 2007, all silver carp and largescale silver carp were declared by the U.S. Department of the Interior to be invasive species under the Lacey Act.

Catch this video featuring a boat traveling
through an area with these carp.

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