Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tips for Single Ladies from 1938

David Geribaldi - Speed Painter

Watch David Garibaldi, an American performance painter,
create one of his works.

Read more about this painter who walked away from a life of graffiti in the streets to become the inspirational artist he is today.

Best of San Francisco

San Francisco is one of my favorite cities
to visit in the United States. This video
captures some of the best of the city.

Norwegian Military Tattoo

His Majesty the Kings Guard Band and Drill Team
of Norway performs with great precision.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You Have To See The Final Result

I wish I could find out more about this artist and his painting, but I have not been able to find any links.

Even though this is in French, you will still enjoy the result.

A Human Rain Storm

Watch Toto's Africa performed by Perpetuum Jazzile
at Vokal Xtravaganzza 2008.

Thanks and a heads-up to Paul D.

Pick Me

Choosing the best person to pass, catch or kick on a football team would not be hard if you could believe this video.

Watch their amazing feats.

A Dangerous Ride Through The Andes

Every trip on this vital mountain road through the Andes is a hair-raising rollercoaster ride.  National Geographic talks with a man as he is driving this dangerous road.

You would not catch me driving on this road!

Daniel Ost - Floral Designer

Daniel Ost is known for his work with plants.  CBS News has described him as "the world's leading flower designer, and the New York Times says that "to call him a master flower designer is akin to calling Annie Leibovitz a shutterbug."
Ost's clientele includes royalty of several nations and his work has been featured at multiple embassies.

View Daniel's work.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Scratching Capybaras

This is one of many animals I have not seen. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), is the largest living rodent in the world. They are native to South America. Capybaras have heavy, barrel-shaped bodies and short heads with reddish-brown fur on the upper part of their body that turns yellowish-brown underneath. Adult capybaras may grow to 4.3 ft in length, and weigh up to 140 lb. The top recorded weight is 232 lbs. Capybaras have slightly webbed feet, no tail, and 20 teeth. Their back legs are slightly longer than their front legs and their muzzles are blunt with eyes, nostrils, and ears on top of their head. Females are slightly heavier than males. Females: 80 to 145 pounds. Males: 75 to 135 pounds.

Watch as these capybaras get a much appreciated scratching.
Learn more about these interesting animals.

Painting on Water

Watch as this artist paints a flower on water.

Baby Do's and Don'ts

Mapping Stereotypes - The Geography of Prejudice

A view of how the countries of Europe are visual artist, graphic designer
and illustrator, Yanko Tsvetkov

Thanks and a heads-up from Chris R.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Atchafalaya - The Biggest Swamp in the United States

View other pictures from this magical setting.

To learn more about Atchafalaya, visit this National Heritage Area.

What Are These Dark Spots?


These dark spots happen to be an animal called a chamois. They are in search of salts that accumulate on the rocks of the dam on Lake Cingino, Italy...located in the Valley of Antrona in the Italian Alps.

View the video of a chamois on the face of the dam.

Impressive Story Card Trick

Watch this card trick.

2010 Award Winners in Environmental Photography

Discover what is in the picture above and
check out the other winners.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stacked Rocks in Toronto

Check the video describing this temporary art work.

The Lion King - The Circle of Life

In the 1994 Disney classic, The Lion King, this was one
of many songs I liked and am just now discovering the words.

Big Bang Big Boom

An unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.  Months of work and buckets of paint went into the creation of this wall painted animation.  Truly worth the look.

Watch this amazing video created by Blu.

The Wall - Sculpture by Zenos Frudakis

Learn more about this sculpture through the words of the sculptor.

Unseen Sea

Clouds can be very beautiful. This time lapse video
features photos taken over a one year period
around the great city of San Francisco, CA.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Invasion of the Asian Carp

     Silver carp have become notorious for being easily frightened by boats and personal watercraft, which causes them to leap high into the air. The fish can jump up to 8–10 feet into the air, and numerous boaters have been injured by collisions with the fish. According to the EPA, "reported injuries include cuts from fins, black eyes, broken bones, back injuries, concussions and death.". Silver carp can grow to 100 pounds in mass.
     They are known to be well-established in the Mississippi River basin (including tributaries) of the United States, where they at times reach extremely high abundances. These fish are considered to be highly detrimental to the environment in parts of the United States and hence, in July, 2007, all silver carp and largescale silver carp were declared by the U.S. Department of the Interior to be invasive species under the Lacey Act.

Catch this video featuring a boat traveling
through an area with these carp.

Human Powered Flight - The Snowbird

View the video of the Snowbird and
learn more about this project at the University of Toronto.

How To Keep Your Dog Busy

Don't have time to keep tossing that ball for your dog?
If so, you need this machine.

120 Hunting Dogs Being Fed at Cheverny, France

Now these dogs are disciplined!

Dot - The World's Smallest Stop-Motion Animation

Professor Fletcher's invention of the CellScope, which is a Nokia device with a microscope attachment, was the inspiration for a teeny-tiny film created by Sumo Science at Aardman. It stars a 9mm girl called Dot as she struggles through a microscopic world. All the minuscule detail was shot using CellScope technology and a Nokia N8, with its 12 megapixel camera and Carl Zeiss optics.

Check out DOT.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Why Women In China Do Not Get Breast Cancer

For any person susceptible to breast cancer,
this possible cause should be in your consideration.

Le Reve at Wynns in Las Vegas

If Cirque du Soleil doesn't fill all your excitement in viewing people flying through the air or doing unimagineable feats of gymnastics, Le Reve should fill that void.

A new reason to visit Las Vegas.  This appears to be an audience member's capture of this amazing group.

Cuban Revolution

An interesting look at Cuba from the
perspective of a Canadian visitor.

Britain's New Sculpture for the 2012 London Olympics

Learn about the sculpture being called The Hubble Bubble.

Thanks for the heads-up from Ron S.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reach Out Against Suicide Amongst Gay Teenagers

Advice columnist Dan Savage started this youtube channel that is supposed to show gay teenagers how much better and easier life gets once you are an adult, and how, despite all the abuse many of us have to suffer, eventually everyone has a chance for happiness. I feel this not only applies to gay teenagers, but teenagers on the whole. I hope this makes a difference.

Watch the video.

Lack Of Trees Is A Serious Problem

Thank you and a heads-up to Kermit J., et al

Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany

View the video.

Learn about this amazing miniature museum, including other videos, close-up pictures, and much more.

Invisible Book Shelves = Art

Check out the company that makes this product.
