Sunday, July 31, 2011

360 Degree View of Mt. Everest

This is a very cool site to visit.  

Make sure to put the 360 Degree View of Mt. Everest on full screen.  Then after watching it, exit the full screen and click on the "Archives" link at the top to see other great 360 Degree features..

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Interactive Kaleidoscope

Check this site out for an interactive Kaleidoscope.

You can just sit back and let it change by itself or move 
your cursor around the screen slowly

If you put your cursor right in the middle, it is quite amazing.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Porcelain Unicorn

This summer, Philips and the renowned director/producer, Ridley Scott, launched a global filmmaker competition dubbed the: “Tell It Your Way” Film Making Contest.

The entrants were given total freedom of expression and could take up any theme they wanted. But there were two rules in the contest to qualify for the prize that were strictly enforced:

1) Only six lines of dialogue was allowed in the film. Thus challenging the film maker to show, rather than to tell the story. This insured that the film submissions would portray a story graphically, keeping the elements in the story visual.

2) The other rule concerned brevity and challenged the film maker with a time constraint for conveying the story. Any film submitted in the contest had to be no longer than a total of three minutes.

Finally after the judging ended, this was the prize-winning entry in the, "Tell It Your Way" contest. It is entitled, "The Porcelain Unicorn"  
